Universität Innsbruck Hauptgebäude  © Univerität Innsbruck

Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck

High end conferences and fireside chats in the pure nature

Region Innsbruck Eventlocations, Congress Centers

Founded in 1669, the University of Innsbruck is the largest and most important research and education institution in western Austria.

The University of Innsbruck has one of strongest international foci in its teaching and research amongst universities worldwide. This is demonstrated, amongst others, by the prestigious Times Higher Education World University Ranking, which has listed the University of Innsbruck amongst its top 15 in this category for several years. In addition to the broad range of courses offered by its 16 faculties, the University of Innsbruck also offers many opportunities for scientific discourse with six interdisciplinary research foci (Alpine Space, CMBI – Centre for Molecular Biosciences Innsbruck, DiSC – Digital Science Center, Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts, Physics and Scientific Computing). For this reason, it has always been the workplace for numerous eminent scientists.

The University Center Obergurgl, a satellite of the university is located in the Ötztal and houses conference rooms, Alpine research centers, laboratories, sports medicine and much more.


  • Conference rooms in historical as well as top modern buildings
  • Central location in Innsbruck
  • Excursion to alpine research centers and projects
  • Events certified as “Green Events Tirol


Due to its location in the center of Innsbruck, the university is ideally connected to the public transport network. A shuttle can be organized from Munich Airport for larger events.


Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
Veranstaltungs- und Kongressmanagement
t +43.512.507-32030 e veranstaltungen@uibk.ac.at w www.uibk.ac.at/public-relations/veranstaltungen

Room capacities

Room Area in m² LxBxH in m Theater Parlament U-Shape Banquette
Campus Innrain
Aula (Innrain) 266 - - 173 - 180
Hörsäle (Innrain) 58-142 - 120 70-150 - -
Seminarräume (Innrain) 49-113 - - 25-70 - -
Foyer vor Aula (Innrain) - - - - - 180
CCB - Medizinische Universität Innsbruck
Foyer/Aula CCB 600 100-400
L.EG.220 CCB 155 156
M.EG.180 CCB 260 221
L.EG.200 CCB 260 221
M.EG.180 + LEG.200 CCB 520 442
Seminarräume CCB 37-110 25-64
Campus Universitätsstraße - Theologie
Kaiser-Leopold-Saal (Theologie) 304 - - 173 - -
Madonnensaal (Theologie) 302 - - 108 - -
Hörsaal 1 (Theologie) 127 - - 126 - -
Theologie Foyer EG - - - - - 173
GeiWi Turm
Hörsäle (GeiWi) 51-273 - - 50-300 - -
Seminarräume (GeiWi) 49-113 - - 25-80 - -
Hörsäle Hauptgebäude 58-142 - - 70-150 - -
Campus Universitätsstraße - SoWi
Aula (SoWi) 486 - - 340 - -
Hörsäle (Sowi) 109-164 - - 80-160 - -
Seminarräume (SoWi) 61-83 - - 27-39 - -
Campus Technik
Großer Hörsaal (Technik) 488 - - 300 - -
Hörsäle (Technik) 27-400 - 80 48-400 45 40
Hörsäle (Viktor-Franz-Hess-Haus) 82-400 - - 120-400 - 400
Palais Claudiana
Claudiasaal (Claudiana) 136 - 60 - - -
Türingsaal - - - - - 60


Further Information

Hygiene Concept University Center Obergurgl

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